Blackout - Final sequence

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Revised Proposal:

The narrative centres around an innocent young man whom at the start we see running into his house through the back. He has a few minor injuries and is frightened. He enters his house and makes his way upstairs in a hurry. He enters one of the front-facing rooms on the upper floor and cautiously looks out of the window.

At this moment we see a car pull up outside his house and a man steps out. He is carrying a gun and quickly puts on a balaclava. He carefully scans the street for activity (of which there is none). From the window the innocent man tries to get a closer look, but as a result the armed man notices him and stares straight up at the window.

Alarmed, the innocent man makes his way to the top of the house, desperate for an escape route. He reaches the top of the house and on inspection realises he cannot escape through the window on the roof. Suddenly he hears the sound of the door closing, telling him that the armed man is in the house. There is no way out.

We then follow the armed man through his search of the house and gradually up the several flights of stairs. The house is silent as neither of the men are eager to give away their position. The armed man then enters the room of the innocent man.


As the armed man enters the room, the innocent man is hiding and jumps at him in an attempt to disarm and overpower him. This however fails, and in a few quick movements the armed man is holding the innocent man against the wall with a gun to his head. He then knocks the innocent man out.