Blackout - Final sequence

Showing posts with label reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reflections. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Poster for BLACKOUT:

I, Tom A, decided that after collecting many screenshots for my evaluation, that I could attempt to create a poster for our film using them. So I did. Realising however that not all the information that goes on a film poster was in our opening sequence...

Still, here is my attempt...

I chose a screenshot which really showed off the fast paced action side of our film, and used black and white and an increased contrast to place the titles in the top left of the poster. 

Monday, March 22, 2010

Real Opening credits:

Below are examples of films which have their opening credits like ours, creating an atmosphere of suspense and anticipation for the film, helped by the main soundtrack...

(unfortunately the embed option for the video has been disabled, so I will post some screenshots instead.)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Errors in our sequence: EDITED BY HUGH

Here are all the continuity errors that we have noticed in our sequenced, most of which were noticed well after the shoot. We are all very disappointed to have not noticed them earlier as we were unable to mask them effectively in editing.

After editing the final sequence, Hugh re-edited the sequence on a new timeline on the edit suite, slowing down each error. It was uploaded to youtube and annotated, pointing out these errors (and topped off with an appropriate soundtrack).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Group Reflections

We are all very happy with our finished sequence, and are very pleased to have finished the production side of this project. We set out to create a sequence that was completely different to all the horror openings that had been made before, and are satisfied that we have done this successfully.

  • We love the pace and excitement of the opening part of the sequence
  • We also like the the tension created in the latter part of the sequence, especially when Hugh enters the house
  • The music gave us a lot of stress during editing, but we think the the final soundtrack works very effectively with the images and titles

  • We also like the narrative of our sequence
  • We like the way we have framed the shots, and the way that we have edited it to make a continuous sequence
  • We like the acting, and are especially surprised with Hugh's ability to drop seemlessly into character, delivering an convincing and believable performance throughout
  • We are pleased that the titles work effectively, and dont take anything away from our sequence, dispite us not being able to track the titles properly.
  • There are many, many continuity errors in our sequence, such as doors being open/closed when they shouldnt be, things disappearing from rooms, mist disappearing from windows, etc.
  • We were disappointted that we were unable to track titles onto surfaces, but this was not possible in the time given
  • We dont like Hughs costume, but we made the decision to leave it unchanged from the test shoot so that we did not have to reshoot all of our sequence in difficult weather conditions